We don't call them teachers, tutors, guides, or partners.
They're coaches because they know how to inspire people to do their best.

Our language coaches truly know how to put students at ease.
They're experts at prompting
(but not teaching or correcting!) when students struggle to articulate an idea by using synonyms, cognates, gestures, and images.

Who are the coaches?

Our coaches are recruited from a variety of countries all over the world. Most are young professionals with an undergraduate degree, between 20 and 30 years old. Some live in rural areas where there aren’t many professional work opportunities.

All of our coaches are trained in relationship-based learning and how to help students feel comfortable having conversations. They’re all proud to share the cultural heritage of their home country.

Maribel Chuquichaico
Maribel Chuquichaico
Carlos Tabora
Carlos Tabora
Michelle Rossello
Michelle Rossello
Bertila Rodriguez
Bertila Rodriguez
Our coaches are a diverse group of people who are grateful for the opportunity to have flexible hours as they balance work with family life and/or studies.
LinguaMeeting is an incredible way to practice Spanish! I've loved connecting with my coaches and getting to learn more about many different countries around the world. It has truly been a pleasure as I wrap up my second course in Spanish.
Yale University
A great mix of conversational skills and extra study time.... I am glad this counted towards my grade as I feel I could actually earn a better grade by utilizing the things I learned in class
University of California Santa Barbara
My language coach is so friendly, supportive, smart, and cheerful. I do not feel intimidated at all. My confidence has grown. Also, I liked the cultural exposure, getting to see parks and houses and hear about her life.
Berkeley City College
Background + Credentials
When we recruit new coaches, we start by evaluating their educational and professional backgrounds, their language certifications, their level of teaching experience, and their personality (we look for people who are positive, friendly, and patient).
Live Interview
Next, we ask them to submit a video presentation and attend a live interview.
Once hired, they go through extensive training and regular workshops. Each new coach does a mock LinguaMeeting session before they’re ready to connect with new students, and they are regularly evaluated throughout their tenure at LinguaMeeting.
Meet a few coaches from our amazing 200+ global team.
Image Map Coach Lara Coach Massimo Coach Irina Coach Julissa Coach Matias
Julissa Yactayo
Julissa Yactayo
¡Hola! Soy Julissa Yactayo Ugarte, tengo 21 años y soy peruana. Soy egresada de la carrera de Traducción e Interpretación en la Universidad Ricardo Palma. Actualmente, estoy cursando clases de inglés e italiano. En mis tiempos libres, me encanta tomarle fotos a mis amigos y familiares en momentos especiales. Me encanta bailar todo tipo de música porque siento que es una buena manera de expresarnos. En estos últimos meses comencé a hacer deporte y llevar una vida sana. Como ustedes, he sido estudiante y entiendo lo complicado que es aprender un nuevo idioma, pero sé que con mucho esfuerzo y dedicación lograremos un buen resultado. Estoy emocionada de ser su guía en este nuevo reto y les aseguro que daré todo de mí. Recuerden que estoy aquí para cualquier duda o consulta que necesiten. ¡Bienvenidos!
Matías Santinelli
Matias Santinelli
Hola, Soy Sergio Matias Santinelli (puedes decirme Matias). Tengo 28 años y soy Argentino. Estudié Relaciones Públicas, Community Manager, Publicidad en Redes y mi próximo titulo será en Programación. Me gusta mucho conocer personas, estar en familia, el asado, las mascotas, disfrutar de mis amigos/as, y de los deportes mi favorito es el fútbol, soy fanático de Boca Juniors. Estoy muy feliz de acompañarte desde el primer minuto en esta hermosa experiencia de mutuo aprendizaje y crecimiento. ¿Estás listo/a? ¡Bienvenido/a y muchos éxitos!
Lara Bravo
Lara Bravo
Mi nombre es Lara y soy una persona activa, sociable y simpática. Tengo 26 años y soy de Mérida, España. Vivo en una ciudad romana preciosa al sur del país con mucho turismo y diversidad cultural. Estudio en la universidad un doble grado en Derecho y Administración. Me encanta leer libros, escribir, coser, escuchar música e ir al cine. También me gusta mucho pasar tiempo con mis amigos y mi familia, ellos son muy importantes para mí. Amo practicar ballet; lo llevo practicando desde los 10 años. También me fascinan los deportes; el baloncesto es mi favorito. Aunque me considero una persona muy activa, también me gusta pasar tiempo en casa viendo películas. Quiero que aprendas mientras conversamos de una forma divertida sobre mi idioma y mi cultura. ¡Espero verte pronto y que disfrutemos todos juntos!
Massimo Sulsenti
Massimo Sulsenti
Mi chiamo Massimo Sulsenti De La Torre, ho 24 anni e sono italiano. Ho studiato da traduttore e interprete. Mi piace molto lo sport, l'arte (in generale), raccontare esperienze proprie ma soprattutto ascoltare quelle altrui. Mi piace molto l'area delle lingue e delle comunicazioni perché permette di entrare in contatto con tutte le persone del mondo e di poter espandere i propri orizzonti culturali. Per questa ragione saró molto contento di essere la tua guida alla scoperta e al apprendimento di quella meravigliosa lingua che é l'Italiano. Ti aspetto!
Irina ​​Psareva
Irina ​​Psareva
Меня зовут Ирина и я очень общительная и дружелюбная. Мне 25 лет, я из города Ижевска, из России. Это красивый город с богатой историей и культурным разнообразием. Закончила учебу в университете по направлению туризм. Я люблю читать книги, слушать музыку, заниматься спортом: кататься на велосипеде и заниматься йогой. Я также очень люблю проводить время с друзьями и семьей, они очень важны для меня. Я люблю заниматься большим теннисом, а ещё играть в настольные игры. Хотя я считаю себя очень активным человеком, я также люблю проводить время дома за просмотром фильмов. Я хочу, чтобы вы учились, пока мы весело говорим на моем языке и о моей культуре. Мне очень интересно поговорить с вами на русском языке на разные темы, добро пожаловать!
Frequently Asked Questions
What are your coaches educational/professional backgrounds?
Our coaches come from a variety of educational, professional, and economic backgrounds. Most of our coaches are either students or graduates of degrees in the social sciences, teaching, foreign language aquisition or translation.
Where are your coaches from?
Our coaches are all native speakers. We have coaches that come from all over the world, from central and south america to Asia and everywhere in between.
How are the coaches vetted?
We have many minimum requirements for applying as a coach, including an undergraduate degree and previous teaching experience. For more information about our vetting process and quality control, contact support@linguameeting.com
How are the coaches trained?
Training makes the difference. Our coaches go through extensive training under the direction of our coach manager. From video training modules about our methodology, to practice sessions with our coach manager and our top coaches, the student experience will be entirely unifrom, regardless of the coach they select.
How are the coaches compensated?
We sincerely appreciate this question and are heartened that it’s a concern of yours. At LinguaMeeting, we strongly value Social Responsibility, which is why we prioritize fair and equitable compensation, empowering our coaches, and supporting their professional growth. We ensure our coaches are well taken care of with competitive compensation, flexible schedules, and the freedom to work from anywhere. We provide numerous opportunities for professional growth, turning jobs into career paths. Plus, we proudly support members of marginalized communities, helping them achieve financial stability and success. We believe in transparency and accountability at all levels in our company. Thank you for sharing our commitment
How do coaches know what to talk about?
We offer a variety of options for making sure your objectives are being met in each session. We not only have our own list of conversation guides that we have adapted from standard teaching materials, but also templates for you to create your own assignments. Everything, as always, is customizable and easy to implement.
Have more questions? We have answers!
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